Friday, May 30, 2008

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Truth In Advertising


I saw this McDonalds ad on the street the other day and thought it wasn't being completely truthful. I think my addition gives a more realistic depiction of the McDonalds food cycle.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008

Weirdo Drawing Of The Week -Creepy Rodney


This is the type of guy that hangs out near video arcades on the boardwalk. Don't take him up on an offer for a back me, I learned the hard way.

The King Of Food, There Ain't None Higher


Sucka restaurants, should call them Sire!

-Seen in Chinatown, NYC

Friday, May 23, 2008

Random Full House Reference


I usually try to fit in at a least one random Full House reference in per day. It keeps people on their toes and reiterates the fact that I'm a complete moron. Here's a random image I created...for no apparent reason. Too much free time + Photoshop = Stupidity.

Lost In Translation - Berlin


On a recent trip to Berlin I came across this coffee store. I don't wanna know what their secret ingredient is.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Ticketmaster Slur


While going through the purchasing security check on Ticketmaster's website, I came across this oddity. The usual "mixed word code" came up as "The Ricans". Either this is the mother of all coincidences(Being that I'm Puerto Rican) or the people at Ticketmaster think they're funny. Someone call the Puerto Rican version of Al Shaprton, I think we have a problem here.

Happy Monday


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

One Stop Shopping


Have you ever been faced with an important financial decision only to be distracted by a nagging urge for a hot dog? Well I have a solution for you. Stop by this trusted China Town loan specialist and you can solve your financial worries while chowing down on a jumbo dog. Why would you ever borrow from another lender?

Monday, May 5, 2008

Sunday, May 4, 2008



I was in Atlantic City this weekend and saw this statue on the boardwalk. Apparently it was erected to commemorate the very first rape attempt on the Atlantic City board walk....

Just kidding...that would be ridiculous.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Weirdo Drawing Of The Week -Dirty Larry


We've all heard of Dirty Harry, the tough Clint Eastwood character...well, this is Dirty Larry. He's not tough at all. He's just plain dirty. He doesn't even like the Utah Jazz, its just a shirt he found while walking around being dirty. Hey Dirty Larry, watch where you squirt that ketchup!

Like A Virgin...


I was walking up Broadway in SOHO when I came across this unusual site. A bare wall in New York City. Was I seeing things? How could this be? In a city where every square inch is covered with advertising, graffiti, and or urine, it was nice to see a completely bare wall. I'm sure this wall was de-flowered 5 minutes after I took this picture. Oh well.

Click here to download a larger version.

Only A Mother's Love


When I was 7 or 8, I got into my fair share of trouble. Running around the house with pillow cases on my head was par for the course, so were the huge welts on my forehead that followed. Visits to the emergency room were pretty frequent. You know its a bad sign when they dedicate an emergency room bench in your name. Thankfully most injuries weren't too serious.

As the result of one particularly bad spill, I lost both front teeth. This troubled my loving Mother as I was starting kindergarden in a few weeks. She didn't want me to look like a bad kid, so she had me fitted for dentures. I can almost guarantee I was the only 7 year old putting his teeth in Efferdent before saying his nightly prayers. Nobody could tell I had these falsies until I started slipping them in and out of my mouth during story time one day. Who would've thought having dentures could make you cool among the Kindergarden crowd.

Thanks Mom.