It's the most wonderful time of they year, and whether you're lighting the Menorah or plugging in the Christmas tree there's one thing that unifies us all...SNACKS!!!
We're all familiar with the Naughty vs. Nice method of gift giving during the holiday season. Well, if you have a tight budget like I do, Snacks are a great gift to give without breaking the bank. There are a few treacherous snacks in the vending machine for your naughty friends, and some perfectly pleasant snacks for your friends that have been nice.
If your buddies behaved themselves this year, these snacks will show them how much you appreaciate them.
Keebler's Soft Batch Cookies - ¢85
A perftect gift for the holidays, in fact, Santa is said to stock the snack machine in his toy factory with ONLY Soft batch cookies. Plus they come in a nice red there's no need to gift wrap them!
Twix - ¢80
Twix are a great gift to give someone if you're hungy, because there are two in each package. Just give your friend a sad, hungry look as you hand them the Twix. Your thoughtfulness will obligate them to share with you.
Cheeze-Its - ¢55
I can't say enough good things about Cheeze-Its. The taste and cost effectivness of this snack are sure go over well. If someone was EXTRA nice this year, you can give them White Cheddar Cheeze-Its...its the gift worthy of a king. In fact, in some versions of the Bible, the Three wise men are said to have brought Gold, Frankensense, and Cheeze-Its to the Baby Jesus.
If your homeboys/girls were straight trippin' this year, here's what to get them.
Crunch N' Munch - ¢55
Now, you might say Crunch N' Much is too good for someone that's been naughty, and I'd usually agree with you. The Peanut/Caramel/PopCorn medley is a delicioius triple threat...but, most people fail to realize, snack machine Crunch N' Munch is notoriously cheap on Peanuts. The recipient of this gift will be so filled with disappointment, that your message will be lout and clear...."You sucked this year!"
Twix - 80¢
Yes, I know, I listed this as a "Nice" gift, but Twix can be a delicious double edged sword. If you give your friend a Twix, sans the afor mentioned "sad, hungry" look, they'll most likely eat both of them. This increases the chance of them having caramel strings unknowlingly hang off of their chin, leading them to look like a complete fool...NAUGHTY!!!
White Castle Burger - $1.50
From the frozen snacks machine, this is for that EXTRA naughty person in your life, be it your Boss, Co-Worker, or Parole Officer. The White Castle Burger is known as the gift that keeps giving...meaning, along with the Burger you should also give your friend Pepto Bismol and a pair of Depends.
Complete the SnackWatch crossword challenge for a chance to win a $1.00 SnackWatch gift certificate to the vending machine of your choice.
CLICK HERE to download the crossword.
Congratulations to Alicia Korney for winning last issue's SnackWatch Challenge.
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