Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Last Supper Gets Super Sized


According to a Cornell University study published in the International Journal of Obesity, food portions in depictions of the Last Supper painted over the past 1,000 years have increased. The study points to increases in the production, availability, safety, abundance and affordability of food.

Click Here for the full Story

Lets Get Douchey


Dwight Howard to agent: "We've gotta find a way to "Douche Up" my image"

Agent to Dwight Howard: "I've got the perfect sponsor"


Worst T-Shirt Graphic Ever


What happens when you combine 2 really popular T-shirt catch phrases? One STUPID shirt.

Awkward Moments Let You Know You're Alive


Before the advent of digital cable, the only way to see what other shows were on TV was to watch the scrolling channel guide. Waiting for your favorite channels to scroll through was always the worst part of the channel guide.

While watching TV with Mom, the waiting became painfully awkward when the porn channels scrolled though. Imagine simultaneously reading the title "Slutty Sex Fiends 16" with Mom.....AWKWARD. Thank God for digital cable

There's Gotta Be A Better Way


There's gotta be a better way to make 7 dollars.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Random Google Image Drawing

Every once in a while I like to get lost on the internet and search images in Google. This time I figured I'd try my hand at drawing an image that caught my eye.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Truth In Advertising


I drank this soda and got a boner.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Now That's Just Plain Lazy


While checking out at Duane Reade the other day, I noticed the latest issue of Cosmo in the magazine rack. NO I don't read Cosmo, but I was shocked at how lazy the copy editors have gotten. It seems like they just gave up and said "FUCK IT...these articles are all the same anyway."