Sunday, October 26, 2008

NYC Street Fashion


Being that New York City is considered one of the fashion capitals of the world, it comes as no surprise that even the fire hydrants are well dressed.

Monday, October 20, 2008

LL Cool J's Fashion Line


LL Cool Jay is now selling a line of clothing at the department store SEARS . I haven't seen the line in person yet, but I think the odds are pretty high on some of the pieces having built-in ChapStick holders.

Click here to see LL's actual clothing line

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Going Up


This week in Japan, an international group of scientists is discussing the possibility of constructing a space elevator. The space elevator would be used to transport people, objects, and even nuclear waste from earth into outer space.

The elevator will also be able to break the world record for longest awkward silence after a small talk conversation.

Click here for the full story